Sekretariat 77 4527370

Kategoria naukowa A

mgr Rafał Gerymski

Pokój: 401

Konsultacje: Poniedziałek - po wcześniejszym umówieniu
Wtorek - 16:30-17:15

Research interests

  • MS in Psychology, clinical speciality
  • PgD in Sexology
  • Cert in Data Analysis with R specialization
  • In progress: PhD in Psychology

My research interests and clinical practice are related to sexology, health psychology & psychometrics.


Clinical practice:


  • Polish Sexological Society
  • American Psychological Association (member number: C2204337978)

Scientific publications (44 papers)


Cumulative Impact Factor: 43.113
(calculated by the value assigned to the year in which the papers were published, except the newest ones which don’t have up-to-date metrics)

Citations: 609

h-index: 11

i10-index: 12

More information: Google Scholar profile



  • Gerymski, R., & Latusek-Mierzwa, M. (2024). Network analysis of sexual well-being in women with heart failure: the psychocardiological perspective. Healthcare, 12(8), 817. DOI: (2022 IF=2.8; MNiSW 2024=40 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., Dymecka, J., Iszczuk, A., & Bidzan, M. (Online Early View). Perceived stress and life satisfaction in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of fear of childbirth and self-esteem. Health Psychology Report. DOI: (2022 IF=2.0; MNiSW 2024=40 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., Walczak, R. B., & Jania, A. (In Print). The effect of risk of contracting and fear of COVID-19 on burnout and job satisfaction in Polish teachers. Current Issues in Personality Psychology. (2022 IF=1.0; MNiSW 2024=70 pts)
  • Gerymski, R. (2024). Sociosexuality: SOI, MSOI and SOI-R scales. In: T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer Nature. DOI: (MNiSW 2024=20 pts)
  • Gerymski, R. (in Print).Light Triad. In: T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Religious Psychology and Behavior. Springer Nature. (MNiSW 2024=20 pts)
  • Gerymski, R. (2024). Relationships of meaning resources and illness perception with quality of life in people with heart failure: the mediating role of coping [Doctoral dissertation]. Opole University.


  • Ramos-Vera, C., O’Diana, A. G., Villena, A. S., Bonfá-Araujo, B., Barros, L. D. O., Noronha, A. P. P., Gómez-Acosta, A., Sierra-Barón, W., Gerymski, R., Ogundokun, R. O., Babatunde, A. N., Abdulahi, A. T., & Adeniyi, E. A. (2023). Dark and Light Triad: a cross-cultural comparison of network analysis in 5 countries. Personality and Individual Differences, 215, 112377. DOI: (2022 IF=4.3; MEiN 2023=100 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Szeląg, M. (2023). Sexual well-being in individuals with schizophrenia: a pilot study on the role of self-esteem and acceptance of illness. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13(7), 1318-1329. DOI: (2022 IF=3.2; MEiN 2023=20 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., Machnik-Czerwik, A., & Rogowska, A. M. (2023). Does positive thinking help during difficult pandemic times? The role of positive orientation in the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and perceived stress. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13(1), 151-160. DOI: (2022 IF=3.2; MEiN 2023=20 pts)
  • Dymecka J., Tarczyński, R., & Gerymski, R. (2023). Stress in emergency telephone number operators during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of self-efficacy and Big Five personality traits. Health Psychology Report, 11(2), 145-155. DOI: (2022 IF=2.0; MEiN 2023=140 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Gaworska, A. (2023). Does hormone treatment help Polish transgender individuals cope with stress?. Journal of Sexual and Mental Health, 21, 1-7. DOI: (MEiN 2023=70 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Magoń, W. (2023). Chemsex and sexual well-being in young Polish men. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(12), 6163. DOI: (MEiN 2023=20 pts)
  • Kardasz, Z., Gerymski, R., Parker, A. (2023). Anxiety, attachment styles and life satisfaction in the Polish LGBTQ+ community. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(14), 6392. DOI: (MEiN 2023=20 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Cisek, A. (2023). Pornography: addiction. In: T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior (pp. 1-8). Springer Nature. DOI: (MEiN 2023=20 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Cisek, A. (2023). Sexual satisfaction: pornography consumption. In: T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior (pp. 1-3). Springer Nature. DOI: (MEiN 2023=20 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Cisek, A. (2023). Cybersex. In: T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior (pp. 1-5). Springer Nature. DOI: (MEiN 2023=20 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Magoń, W. (2023). Chemsex. In: T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior (pp. 1-4). Springer Nature. DOI: (MEiN 2023=20 pts)


  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., Tataruch, R., & Bidzan, M. (2022). Sense of coherence and health-related quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis: the role of physical and neurological disability. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(6), 1716. DOI: (2022 IF=3.9; MEiN 2023=140 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., & Machnik-Czerwik, A. (2022). How does stress affect our life satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic? Moderating mediation analysis of sense of coherence and fear of coronavirus. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 27(1), 280-288. DOI: (2022 IF=3.8; MEiN 2023=70 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Bidzan, M., & Gerymski, R. (2022). Severity of biomedical variables associated with the course of multiple sclerosis and levels of mental resiliency. Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology, 17(1-2), 31-39. DOI: (2022 IF=0.5; MEiN 2023=40 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., Cisek, A., & Dymecka, J. (2022). Seksualny dobrostan a satysfakcja z życia osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchową: moderacyjna rola samooceny [Sexual well-being and life satisfaction of people with motor disabilities: the moderating role of self-esteem]. Journal of Sexual and Mental Health, 20, 1-7. DOI: (MEiN 2023=70 pts)


  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., Machnik-Czerwik, A., Derbis, R., & Bidzan, M. (2021). Fear of COVID-19 and life satisfaction: the role of the health-related hardiness and sense of coherence. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 712103. DOI: (2021 IF=5.435; MEiN 2021=100 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., Tataruch, R., & Bidzan, M. (2021). Fatigue, physical disability and self-efficacy as predictors of the acceptance of illness and health-related quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13237. DOI: (2021 IF=4.614; MEiN 2021=140 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., Iszczuk, A., & Bidzan, M. (2021). Fear of coronavirus, stress and fear of childbirth in Polish pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 13111. DOI: (2021 IF=4.614; MEiN 2021=140 pts)
  • Krok, D., & Gerymski, R. (2021). Affect and psychological well-being in partners of cancer patients: the mediating role of meaning in life and self-efficacy. Family Forum, 11, 267-286. DOI: (MEiN 2021=100 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., & Machnik-Czerwik, A. (2021). Fear of COVID-19 as a buffer in the relationship between perceived stress and life satisfaction in the Polish population at the beginning of the global pandemic. Health Psychology Report, 9(2), 149-159. DOI: (MEiN 2021=40 pts)
  • Gerymski, R. (2021). Short Sexual Well-Being Scale – a cross-sectional validation among transgender and cisgender people. Health Psychology Report, 9(3), 276-287. DOI: (MEiN 2021=40 pts)
    • Translations into other languages:
      • Gerymski, R., & Iwanicka, Ł. (2021). Российская версия Краткой Шкалы Сексуального Благополучия [Russian Version of the Short Sexual Well-Being Scale]. PsyArXiv. DOI:
      • Gerymski, R., & Güvem, E. N. (2021). Kısa Cinsel Refah ölçeğinin Türkçe sürümü [Turkish version of the Short Sexual Well-being Scale]. PsyArXiv. DOI:
      • Gerymski, R., & Wang, P. (2021). 精简版性幸福感量表(中文版)[Chinese version of the Short Sexual Well-Being Scale]. PsyArXiv. DOI:


  • Gerymski, R., & Krok, D. (2020). A Polish adaptation of the Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale: internal structure, reliability, and validity. Roczniki Psychologiczne/Annals of Psychology, 23(2), 173-190. DOI: (MEiN 2021=70 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., Gerymski, R., & Bidzan, M. (2020). Selected psychometric aspects of the Polish version of the Liverpool Self-Efficiency Scale. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 8(4), 339-351. DOI: (MEiN 2021=70 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., & Gerymski, R. (2020). Role of resiliency in the relationship between disability and quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis: mediation analysis. Advances in Psychiatry and Neurology/Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 29(2), 77-84. DOI: (MEiN 2021=70 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., & Gerymski, R. (2020). Akceptacja choroby jako mediator zależności pomiędzy niepełnosprawnością neurologiczną a jakością życia uwarunkowaną stanem zdrowia osób ze stwardnieniem rozsianym [Acceptance of illness as a mediator of the relationship between neurological disability and HRQoL of people with multiple sclerosis]. Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia/Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology, 15(1-2), 13-20. DOI: (MEiN 2021=40 pts)
  • Filipkowski, J., & Gerymski, R. (2020). Jacy ludzie mogą liczyć na wsparcie? Ciemna triada i konwersacyjna niebezpośredniość jako predyktory wsparcia społecznego [Who can count on support? Dark Triad and conversational indirectness as social support predictors]. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio J, Paedagogia-Psychologia, 33(2), 253–269. DOI: (MEiN 2021=40 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Król, P. (2020). Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem jako mediator relacji między poczuciem sensu życia a satysfakcją z życia pacjentów ze wszczepionym kardiowerterem-defibrylatorem [Coping with stress as a mediator of the relationship between meaning in life and life satisfaction among patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator]. In: D. Krok & J. Dymecka (Eds.), Jakość życia a zdrowie: uwarunkowania i konsekwencje [Quality of life and health: conditions and consequences] (pp. 161-187). Publishing House of the University of Opole. DOI: (MEiN 2021=20 pts)


  • Skałacka, K., & Gerymski, R. (2019). Sexual activity and life satisfaction in older adults. Psychogeriatrics, 19(3), 195-201. DOI: (2019 IF=1.75; MEiN 2021=40 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Krok, D. (2019). Psychometric properties and validation of the Polish adaptation of the Light Triad Scale. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 7(4), 341-354. DOI: (MEiN 2021=70 pts)
  • Krok, D., & Gerymski, R. (2019). Self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between meaning in life and subjective well-being in cardiac patients. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 7(3), 242-251. DOI: (MEiN 2021=70 pts)
  • Dymecka, J., & Gerymski, R. (2019). Niepełnosprawność a jakość życia pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym. Mediacyjna rola zapotrzebowania na wsparcie społeczne [Disability and the quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis. Mediating role of the need for social support]. Człowiek–Niepełnosprawność–Społeczeństwo/Man – Disability – Society, 46(4), 63-78. DOI: (MEiN 2021=40 pts)


  • Gerymski, R. (2018). Wsparcie i radzenie sobie ze stresem jako moderatory związku stresu i jakości życia osób transpłciowych [Support and coping as moderators of the relationship between perceived stress and the quality of life of transgender people]. Czasopismo Psychologiczne/Psychological Journal, 24(3), 607-616. DOI: (MNiSW 2018=11 pts)
  • Gerymski, R., & Skałacka, K. (2018) Czy intymność, namiętność i zobowiązanie kształtują satysfakcję seksualną seniorów? Wyniki badania eksploracyjnego [Do intimacy, passion and commitment shape the sexual satisfaction of seniors? Results of the exploratory study]. Seksuologia Polska/Polish Sexology, 16(2), 43-50. DOI:–50 (MNiSW 2018=8 pts)
  • Walczak, R. B., Gerymski, R., & Filipkowski, J. (2018). Would you fancy a premium five o’clock after the funeral? Application of Terror Management Theory in daily shopping decisions. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, 22, 5-15. DOI: (MNiSW 2018=6 pts)
  • Gerymski, R. (2018). Związek agresji, wybranych czynników osobowościowych oraz preferencji kategorii filmów pornograficznych [The relationship of aggression, selected personality factors and the preferences of pornographic categories]. Psychoseksuologia/Psychosexology, 4, 80-91. (MNiSW 2018=1 pts)
  • Gerymski, R. (2018). Perceived stress, social support and gender-affirming surgery as predictors of the subjective well-being in transgender individuals [Master’s thesis]. Opole University.


  • Gerymski, R. (2017). Influence of sex reassignment on the subjective well-being of transgender men – results of a pilot study and discussion about future research. Przegląd Seksuologiczny/Sexological Review, 16(4), 10-16. (MNiSW 2018=6 pts)
    • Polish version of this article:
      • Gerymski, R. (2017). Wpływ korekty płci na poczucie jakości życia mężczyzn transpłciowych – wyniki badania pilotażowego oraz przyczynek do dalszych badań. Przegląd Seksuologiczny, 16(4), 2-9. (MNiSW 2018=6 pts)
  • Gerymski, R. (2017). Are personality traits a good predictors of the type of watched pornography? Analysis of the relationship between personality traits and the preference of a chosen pornographic categories. Przegląd Seksuologiczny/Sexological Review, 15(3), 10-16. (MNiSW 2018=6 pts)
    • Polish version of this article:
      • Gerymski, R. (2017). Czy cechy osobowości są dobrymi predyktorami typu oglądanej pornografii? Analiza związku między cechami osobowości a preferencjami wybranych kategorii pornograficznych. Przegląd Seksuologiczny, 15(3), 2-9. (MNiSW 2018=6 pts)

Articles under review

  • Gerymski, R., & Magoń, W. (2024). Sexual well-being in multiple sclerosis: network analysis.

Articles in preparation


Participation in the international projects

  • Psi Chi’s Network for International Collaborative Exchange (NICE) 2024 [including Gerymski, R.] (n.d.). The relationship between cultural dimensions and perceptions of victimization by teachers. All project data are available here:
  • Psi Chi’s Network for International Collaborative Exchange (NICE) 2023 [including Gerymski, R.] (n.d.). The effect of culture on implicit self-theories. All project data are available here:


Own research

  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Cybersex in Sexaholics Anonymous members during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-lagged longitudinal analysis.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). 140 reasons to have sex: a Polish replication and extension of the YSEX? study.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Short Problematic Chemsex Use Scale: evidence from clinical and non-clinical samples.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Short Compulsive Cybersex Use Questionnaire: results from high-risk and low-risk individuals.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Heart Disease Risk Perception Scale: the Polish adaptation.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Polish adaptation of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II questionnaire.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Brief Sexual Attitudes Scale: psychometric properties and validation of the Polish adaptation.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Longitudinal research on sex education and its relationship with attitudes, sexual well-being and self-efficacy.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Psychocardiological education and its impact on heart disease risk perception, lifestyle and self-efficacy: results of the longitudinal study.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Sexual well-being in online sex workers.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Cybersex and sociosexuality: the role of Light and Dark Triad of personality.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Sexual well-being: a systematic review using the bibliometric mapping approach.
  • Gerymski, R. (n.d.). Perceived stress and life satisfaction in individuals with schizophrenia: the role of acceptance of illness, meaning in life and social support.
  • Gerymski, R., & Cisek, A. (n.d.). Cybersex, sociosexuality and sexual well-being in young adults.
  • Gerymski, R., Cisek, A. (n.d.). Are people with tattoos more sexually open?.
  • Gerymski, R., Cisek, A., & Raszka, M. (n.d.). Rape myth acceptance and its relationship with sociosexuality, Light Triad and Dark Triad traits.
  • Gerymski, R., Cisek, A., & Raszka, M. (n.d.). Cybersex and its link with rape myth acceptance.
  • Gerymski, R., Cisek, A., & Rogowska, A.M. (n.d.). Coping with minority stress and heterosexism in the Polish LGBTQ+ community.
  • Gerymski, R., Kardasz, Z., & Parker, A. (n.d.). Chemsex and sexual risk behaviors in the Polish LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Gerymski, R., Łukawska, K., & Dymecka, J. (n.d.). Heterosexism experiences among LGBTQ+ individuals in Poland.
  • Parker, A., Kardasz, Z., Gerymski, R., & Cisek, A. (n.d.). Anxiety-buffering role of social support in the Polish LGBTQ+ individuals.

As a reviewer (127 reviews)



2023: MDPI’s IJERPH 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award:


Reviews by the alphabetical order

Active participation in national scientific conferences


  • 2023.02.23-24 — 6th National LSI Conference: Interdisciplinary Approach to Disability, University of Szczecin. Presentation subject: Sense of coherence and health-related quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis: the role of physical and neurological disability.
  • 2023.01.21-22 — Sexuality vs. law, psychology and social sciences, Center for American Studies & Adam Mickiewicz University. Presentation subject: Cybersexuality among Sexaholics Anonymous members during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 2022.10.27-28 — Social Sciences and the COVID-19 crisis, ICHB Foundation, Polish Academy of Sciences & Adam Mickiewicz University. Presentation subject: Cybersexuality among Sexaholics Anonymous members during COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 2022.06.10 — Eye to Eye with Fear, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. Presentation subject: The role of gender-affirming hormone therapy in transgender individuals’ quality of life. Awarded by the scientific committee for the best presentation among academic researchers.
  • 2019.05.08  Spirit of Reason, Opole University. Presentation subject: Mental disorders in clinical psychology’s point of view.
  • 2018.09.28-29  Quality of Life at Work and Elsewhere, Opole University. Presentation subject: Coping with stress among transgender individuals.
  • 2018.05.18-19  Sexuality Without Taboo, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław. Presentation subject: Coping with stress among transgender individuals.
  • 2018.04.17-19  Wroclaw Psychological Confrontations – Experiencing Beauty by People, University of Wrocław. Presentation subject: Relationship between love and sexual satisfaction in older adults.
  • 2018.03.24-25  4th Polish Sexological Student Conference, Poznan University of Medical Sciences. Presentation subject: Quality of life in transgender men.
  • 2017.06.06-07  The World According to Szmajke, Opole University. Presentation subject: Relationship between aggression, personality and the preferences of the pornographic stimuli.
  • 2017.05.26-27  3rd Polish Sexological Student Conference, Poznan University of Medical Sciences. Presentation subject: Relationship between aggression, personality and the preferences of the pornographic stimuli. Awarded by the scientific committee for the best presentation.
  • 2017.03.31  2nd Opole Psychological Spring, Opole University. Presentation subject: Relationship between aggression, personality and the preferences of the pornographic stimuli. Awarded by the scientific committee for the best presentation.
  • 2017.02.21  Science Slam Conference, Opole University. Presentation subject: Sexual activity and life satisfaction in older adults. Awarded by the scientific committee for 3rd best presentation.
  • 2016.04.11  1st Opole Psychological Spring, Opole University. Presentation subject: Application of the Terror Management Theory in daily shopping decisions. Awarded by the scientific committee for the best poster.



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